Thursday 19 November 2009

Eurozone estimates

Interesting short article highlighting the difficulties in meaqsuring GDP / exports and trade in general.

A bit about Quantitative easing

This story has an interesting graphic about Quantitative easing and where the £200m should end up.

Thursday 12 November 2009

Chip manufacturers settle disagreement

Intel and AMD - oligopoly?

Rising oil prices threaten recovery

Interesting article of news on impact of oil on recovery

Thursday 5 November 2009

The Box.

Interesting pages about 'The Box'. Tracking it's movement around the world.


In light of Todays class on competion / fair trade this article is of interest.

Lisbon Treaty comes in to effect on 1/12/2009

Questions and answers on the Lisbon treaty.

Friday 30 October 2009

Monday 26 October 2009

Recovery article

Two economists and their opinions.

What do you think?

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Oil Volatility

A look at oil volatility

what would this mean to prices in the UK?

Friday 2 October 2009

Output figures from CIPS

interesting figures from Cartered Institute of Purchasing and supply.

Tuesday 29 September 2009


Measuring economic data is always difficult (even for the professionals!!)

Monday 28 September 2009

Thursday 24 September 2009

Friday 18 September 2009

Scottish Budget

Just a short article about the scottish budget.

what impact will cuts in government spending have?

Thursday 17 September 2009


US housing market

Do you know your Fannie mae from your freddie mac?


Tuesday 15 September 2009

Sunday 13 September 2009

China & USA trade

A short article about China and the US over trade

fits in to lessons this week about the circular flow of income (leakages and injections).


Thursday 10 September 2009

Circular flow of income

Circular flow of income


opportunity Costs

A short clear video about opportunity costs.

goes well with PPC video.

Production possibility curves

This is a great little short video explaining Production Possibility Curves (PPC)

This should help you ith the work you have done recently in class (or are about to do).


Tuesday 8 September 2009

TV programme to watch

The BBC has a new series starting on Thursday at 9pm on BBC 2.

Title - "The love of Money."


Series offering a definitive account of what happened to create the greatest financial crisis for eighty years.
In September 2008, the collapse of Lehman Brothers tipped the world into recession. A cast of contributors including national leaders, finance ministers and CEOs describe the tense negotiations in New York and London as the investment institution headed towards bankruptcy. Gordon Brown, Tim Geithner and Alistair Darling reveal the dilemmas they faced and the decisions they took.
One year on, the programme explains why the collapse of one bank had such disastrous consequences for the world's economy.

Very useful to get a handle on some of the reasons for where the economies of the world are now.


News from the BEEB!!!

Interesting news stories

Got a mobile phone?

Like Chocolate? American firm wants to buy Cadbury's

Timeline of the credit crunch

Great article from the BBC about the credit crunch.

interesting reading.


Friday 4 September 2009

bbc blog worth reading

The BBC is a great resource for economics news and stories.

I also like to read this blog

It will become clearer as the course progresses.

Thursday 3 September 2009

BP strikes oil in Gulf of mexico

BP oil finds new oil field.

What will this do to price of oil?

Wednesday 2 September 2009

why read a blog

A short video giving student views on why they like using a blog.



Friday 28 August 2009

Welcome to the blog

This blog is for students studying HN units in economics at Adam Smith College.

It's purpose is to give you interesting supplemental materials, that will enhance your studies and, increase your interest and enjoyment of the subject.

I would encourage you to comment on items that you enjoy or that you found of interest.

When you subscribe to the blog, updates will automatically be sent to you.