Tuesday 8 September 2009

TV programme to watch

The BBC has a new series starting on Thursday at 9pm on BBC 2.

Title - "The love of Money."


Series offering a definitive account of what happened to create the greatest financial crisis for eighty years.
In September 2008, the collapse of Lehman Brothers tipped the world into recession. A cast of contributors including national leaders, finance ministers and CEOs describe the tense negotiations in New York and London as the investment institution headed towards bankruptcy. Gordon Brown, Tim Geithner and Alistair Darling reveal the dilemmas they faced and the decisions they took.
One year on, the programme explains why the collapse of one bank had such disastrous consequences for the world's economy.

Very useful to get a handle on some of the reasons for where the economies of the world are now.



  1. Also available online http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00mqmjs

    It is really worth to see it.

  2. Here is an another documentary which explains The Great Grash 1929.
    http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00h9xh8/1929_The_Great_Crash/A documentary exploring the causes of the 1929 Wall Street Crash.

    Over six terrifying, desperate days in October 1929, shares crashed by a third on the New York Stock Exchange. More than $25 billion in individual wealth was lost. Later, three thousand banks failed, taking people's savings with them. Surviving eyewitnesses describe the biggest financial catastrophe in history.

    In 1919, the US had emerged victorious and dominant from World War One. Britain and its European allies were exhausted financially from the war. In contrast, the US economy was thriving and the world danced to the American tune.

    Easy credit and mass production set the tone in the roaring twenties for an era of consumption like none that had ever been seen before. The stock market rose and investors piled in, borrowing money to cash in on the bubble. In 1928, the market went up by 50 per cent in just 12 months. The crash was followed by a devastating worldwide depression that lasted until the Second World War. Shares did not regain their pre-crash values until 1954.

    This is the story of a financial disaster that we hoped could never happen again
